
vanity and greed造句


  1. They are not here simply to be utilized according to the dictates of human vanity and greed as a mindless commodity.
  2. But, although memories are skewed by perspective, Goren zeroes in on human vanity and greed as the primary motives.
  3. Have seen the nigger kinds whose vanity and greed turned wild black hides of Fellatah, Mandingo, Ibo, Kru to gold for us.
  4. Delivering this to Chaz and to the police has the double effect of playing on Chaz s vanity and greed, and energizing the stagnating investigation.
  5. Its cast includes several big names, but it's also an irreverent puncturing of some of the corruption, vanity and greed that seem to go along with making movies.
  6. It's difficult to find vanity and greed in a sentence. 用vanity and greed造句挺难的
  7. For Raban, MacDonald ( whom he meets three years before his death ) created an extremely vivid portrait of a'jungly Eden, spoilt and besmirched by human vanity and greed . . . a lovely paradise that was being cut down to make room for shopping malls, condominium blocks, six-lane highways, giant billboards and pagoda-style Kingburger palaces.
  8. Moss maintained that even though this episode " certainly didn't compare to Abed and Hickey's knock-down fight about the meaning of emotions and selfishness in Episode 7, Abed's argument-- in favor of social networking's capacity to carefully quantify social interaction for the socially maladjusted-- was one of the more persuasive explanations in favor of social networking that I've heard . " She wrote how using a " 1970s retro-futuristic sci-fi style " was a great way to prove what " appeared on the surface to be an epic take-down of social networking, proves that the episode was actually a takedown of that evergreen topic, human vanity and greed . " She opined that the Community Season 5 is at the show's peak, especially in portraying Britta as " a socialist revolutionary-cum-warlord, " and seeing the " show bloom into the complicated, deranged flower that we planted five seasons ago . " But it's not all sunshine and deranged flowers, Moss wrote : " If Community Season 5 has a theme, it's about how we can all become villains without realizing it, even as we see ourselves as victims in our own stories.


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